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Coronavirus Updates
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Posted by David Wilton on 01/04/2020 (last updated 18th January 2021)
Updates on Covid-19 coronavirus and the measures we’ve taken + government rules and guidelines.
UPDATE: 18th January 2021. The whole UK is in a new national lockdown, however it is less restrictive in some sectors. As a supplier to NHS trusts and care homes we continue to work This means we will continue to work from our factory and warehouse so long as we maintain COVID-19 secure operating methods, which we do. Our lead-times may increase slightly but we will continue printing and embroidering your workwear. And the delivery companies we use are suffering staff shortages and slower deliveries due to the new operating methods meaning some deliveries will take longer than the normal next-day delivery.
UPDATE: 30th November 2020. From 3rd December (the end of the national lockdown) our factory will be in tier 3: Very High alert. This still permits us to work from our factory and warehouse so long as we maintain COVID-19 secure operating methods, which we of course will. Our lead-times may increase slightly but we will continue printing and embroidering your workwear.
If you want to check what tier you are you can use the government postcode checker to find out the restrictions that apply to your area.
UPDATE: 2nd November 2020. Following the PM’s statement today in the House of Commons putting England into a month-long lockdown, we will continue operating in a Covid-secure way. We will keep printing and embroidering the workwear garments our customers order. In addition will despatch PPE orders within 2 days. Since the original lockdown we have learnt a lot about social distancing in the workplace and are now operating safely at just below our pre-Covid production level.
Further information on the guidelines about Covid-19 can be found at the UK government website and The World Health Organisation website. Download a PDF guide to the government's latest restrictions (05-11-20).

ORIGINAL POST: 1st April 2020. Aspect is still operating, but in a limited way. We are able to despatch PPE for key-workers and essential staff with print or embroidery as our print and embroidery factory is currently working but in a reduced way. We have one person attending the warehouse when required only for urgent key-worker PPE despatches and limited printers and embroiderers working as necessary and keeping a safe distance from each other.
We have sales, accounts and admin staff working from home to assist where possible but general production will happen when we are advised it is safe to return to work by the Government. If you have a print or embroidery order in our pipeline we have already contacted you and we will contact you again when we have an updated despatch date.
Please keep safe by observing the government’s advice on social distancing.
For a discussion about when we resume production please call Mark or David on 020 8991 1800 or email us at